The face has special strokes all its own — whole-handed smoothing; lightly pressing, pushing, and circling with the thumbs; and finally combing from forehead over cheeks with light fingertip strokes.
Last, do the back, everyone’s favorite. With the pads of your fingers, lightly rub small circles all over the back. then gently comb with the fingertips from back over buttocks and legs to ankles.
There are many other creative touches 역삼역 오피 that you and your baby will work out together as you learn the art of infant massage. You might also take a look at the book Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents by Vimila Schneider McClure (Bantam Books, 2000), complete with photographs illustrating the strokes. Remember, as in all aspects of parenting, read your baby along with the book. You can also purchase videotapes to learn the technique or obtain the services of a certified infant-massage instructor who can teach you personally. For more information or to contact a local instructor, consult the International Association of Infant Massage.
Giving your baby a massage is like reading a long poem. If both of you are in the mood to hear the whole poem, you start the beginning and go line by line in an orderly sequence (baby knows what to expect). If time is short or the setting not conducive to poetic retreat, you can jump in anywhere with a few favorite lines that you have memorized. For example, if you have had the whole massage earlier in the day, then at bedtime it is possible to savor the beauty of the whole by doing only the arm or back massage to send your little one off to dreamland. Since he has learned to associate this with relaxing you have wonderful finishing touch to your bedtime routine, and one that can be administered by father.