Think About Your Countertop Space
Before you think about anything else, you have to think about how much countertop space you have to work with. Some stores have large amounts of countertop space while others just have a few square feet of room by the checkout registers.
Choose the Best Merchandise
Now that you know how much countertop space you have to work with, it’s time to think about the best merchandise for your countertop product display.
If you have an ample amount of countertop space, you can choose large items for your product displays; however, if you only have a tiny amount of space to work with, it’s best to choose small merchandise items for your countertop product displays.
Aside from the amount of countertop space countertop installation you have to work with, you also need to think about the kinds of merchandise items that customers are more likely to buy as they’re standing at the checkout counter.
For example, you might have enough countertop space to create a display of family-sized bags of chips and two-liter bottles of soda, but these aren’t the kinds of items most people purchase at the checkout counter. Most customers reach for merchandise like candy and small convenience items like lighters, travel-sized bottles of over-the-counter medication, and children’s toys like small plush animals and bouncy balls.
Simply put, the merchandise you use for your countertop product display needs to work with the amount of countertop space you have as well as the impulse buying habits customers at checkout counters tend to display.